January 2022 Meeting-Smit Lowenfeld Award

Thursday, January 13, 2022 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Event Location: Zoom

We will be joined by Kathleen Claussen, Associate Professor at the University of Miami School of Law, Senior Fellow at the Georgetown University Law Center Institute of International Economic Law, and the recipient of this year's Smit-Lowenfeld Prize for best article in the field of international arbitration.  She will discuss her prize-winning article “The International Claims Trade,” which was published in 41 Cardozo Law Review 1743 (2020), and which examines the law of international claims trading and defends the marketability of such claims, including those against sovereigns.  She will be joined by Wieger Wielinga, Managing Director Enforcement & EMEA for Omni Bridgeway, and by Jeffery Commission, a Director of Burford Capital, who will comment on the article based on their experience as third-party funders.